Selasa, 10 November 2015


November 10, 2015 0 Comments


Long time ago, there was a pencil who has a friendship with a book. Pencil love book so much. Pencil always told to the Book and wrote all of his life stories in the Book. The book was also ready to be a good listener.
Unfortunately, Book felt bored with Pencil. He asked Eraser to erase what Pencil wrote.
“Come on Eraser, I am bored with him” said Book.
“I’m sorry Book. I can’t do it. Pencil and you are good friends. So, I don’t want to be a vandal “ Explained Eraser.
Book still encouraged Eraser. He begged, begged and begged Eraser. Powerless, Eraser followed book’s request. Eraser started erasing until all of the Pencil’s writings were erased. The next day, Pencil came to the book. He was surprised and sad when he knew that Book forgot his story. Pencil was angry and he said to Book.
“ You are a bad friend. Why did you do it? You throw me away from your life. It’s fine. I won’t come back for you!” Then Pencil left Book alone. Book didn’t care about it.
Eraser felt guilty. The following week, Pencil felt strange because he didn’t write anything. He was very gloomy. Like Pencil, Book also felt strange because she was never read by the people because she didn’t have stories. They was guilty each other.
Suddenly, Eraser invited them to come to his party. Book and Pencil accepted. When Book entered Eraser’s house, he saw Pencil. Then Book tried to approach Pencil.
“I’m so sorry for everything, for my guilty. I am useless if you don’t write me about your stories” Book cried.
“Me too Book. I was strange if I don’t share my stories to you. Now, I realize, we need each other.” Pencil hugged Book.
“Thanks god, you listen to my pray. “ Eraser thanked. “ You are a good friend. So, don’t quarrel again. Because you need each other. “
From that day, Book, pencil and Eraser became good friends. Book always listened Pencil’s stories. Pencil also felt so happy because Pencil could share all of his stories. He didn’t feel alone. And Eraser, he always erased the Pencil’s sad story and changed with happy story.
This Story teaches us that we can’t life alone without other peoples. We must be need each other. Underestimate to other people is bad manner. It makes misunderstanding then causes hostility.

Wonder Garden

November 10, 2015 0 Comments

                I have a favorite place in my house and I really love it. Every time I walks pass this corner and have a look at it for a moment, it makes me feel calm and peaceful. I usually spend my time in it. It’s a wonderland that makes me forget about the time or how the sun is moving towards the west and I can forget about the things that make me feel sad. This place is my wonder garden. I even cast away the things that happening around me when I’m enchanted in my garden. Diving deeply into my imagination, I step onto the fresh field of grass.
            There are a lots of decoration in my wonder garden such us, plants, flowers, stripes, stones, rainbow pebbles, beautiful soil, wooden benches, swing, wooden bridge and a small wooden house.  As I step onto a series of gray stones on the ground, I’m led to a small brown wooden bridge. There are rainbow-colored pebbles beneath to resemble a stream flowing through it. Both sides of the garden are planed with varieties of plants. There are a few of my favorite plants are palm tree, the green grass, the aloe vera and sun flower. The presence of green grass that covered the ground makes it look fresh. I love to sitting on it. And the palm trees are the characteristic of my wonder garden. Forms part of a larger bottom. There’s also a little prickly aloe vera which has functions as a garden decoration that makes the garden look more natural. My wonder garden also has some flower plants, but the most beautiful is the sun flower.  Across the sun flower there are bougenvilles, frangipangi, roses, jasmines, etc. In my garden there is a lamp for lighting the garden at night. Trunked lights green.

A few more gray stones to step on after crossing the bridge, then an open wooden house is reached with no closing walls. In the wooden house, there are a wooden tea table, television and swing. My family is a tea lover. I absolutely love the tea table because there is a special kind of plate on it. I often spend time reading novel or watch the small television around the wooden tea table while enjoying a cup of tea. The television is as small as a cardboard box and it is hung onto a tier. I often get some inspirations from here. When I sit on the wooden bench, flows of ideas just pass through my mind. The wooden benches are  really unique. And there is a swing that is made of soft fabric, and it’s the color of snow. When I lay there, I will easily fall asleep because of its tendency and softness.
            My wonder garden is a perfect place to play. This is surely the place for getaway from cities, building constructions, traffic and noisiness. It’s a peaceful place. A place for me to relax and release all my problems that make me stress by just listening to the nature in my wonder garden. I really love my wonder garden and I want to stay here forever and the thing that I really wanted is people conserve the environment, so that such a beautiful scene will not be destroyed forever.